The rapid progression of the coronavirus has many consequences for our daily lives.

As we strive to adapt and navigate this constantly changing environment, our priority remains at all times to ensure the full functioning and reliability of our web hosting and other digital services. Read more

Une mise à jour sur nos serveurs d’hébergement web apporte une nouvelle interface plus moderne pour votre Courriel Web. En effet, la nouvelle version 1.4 de RoundCube vient avec de belles nouveautés. Voyons voir un peu ce qu’il y a sous le capot…

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We are pleased to announce the creation of a new corporate entity through the incorporation of KAJOOM inc.

Simple administrative formality for some, it is for us another step towards the creation of a digital web agency firmly oriented towards the future. Read more

It’s been a while since we planned to set up an English section to our website: that’s done! Our customers in English Canada, the United States and elsewhere on the globe will be delighted! After all, it is indeed the language of Shakespeare that serves as the language of commerce.

We are therefore proud to unveil the English site at the following address:

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Needless to say, nowadays it is imperative to keep web applications up-to-date for security of your data and installations, better performance and maintaining your web reputation. We want to maintain unparalleled quality of service and unparalleled level of protection for our customers.

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