

WordPress Developer Job Offer

Are you a freelance developer who knows WordPress well? Here is a collaboration opportunity to work on different web projects and demonstrate your skills and creativity! Task description Under the responsibility of general management and…

Sales and Customer Service Manager Wanted

We are looking for a Sales and Customer Service Manager to take a leading role in relations with our customers, partners and suppliers. Description of tasks Under the responsibility of the general management, Sales and Customer Service Manager…

Administrative Assistant Wanted

We are looking for an Administrative Assistant to provide top-notch assistance and collaboration to our team in different projects and assist day-to-day management in a variety of tasks, from the secretariat to marketing, project management…

Portfolio Items

Pierre Lussier – Wood turner

In order for Pierre Lussier's woodcutting works to spread throughout Quebec and Canada, we have optimized his site for search engines using the latest SEO techniques. We also translated his site into English to reach an even larger clientele. The…


IT support

IT is not your thing? Your company does not have its own staff of computer technicians and networks? Do you or your staff need training in a particular area of IT, office automation, or the management of new communication tools? Here's your chance: we offer it all at once, in an accessible, efficient and professional proximity service.